Well several days ago we give you a giant George which is known as the world tallest dog. how about if we give you another amazing dog?? now we will give you an information about the Luckiest Dog in the World. this dog named Oscar. look at oscar photo below. you will know why this dog known as the luckiest dog in the world.
This year he and his master traveled across 5 continents and 29 countries.
Five years ago, Joanne Lefson found Oscar in a South-African kennel and took him in. In May of this year, Joanne sold her house and went on a trip around the world, accompanied, of course, by her beloved pooch. Their incredible journey was meant to inspire people everywhere to take stray dogs of the streets and offer them a home.
Oscar was really lucky to have a picture in the world most popular place such as tajmahal in India, Hollywood, Egypt, Liberty Statue in New York, Great Wall in China and several great place. wow i envy oscar so much. i wonder when i got the opportunity to visit all these place.
Here are some amazing photos of Oscar taken in some of the most amazing locations in the world. Oh, and check out the full of list of countries he visited, at the bottom.

Via : Oddity Central
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